Term length learning plan ( QUEST) about researching and presenting on a topic of interest from Antarcitica that related to survival or sustainabiliity.
Activity about observing icebergs and how they melt over time.
Lesson about observing how ice melts in different environments.
Activity about categorising adaptations emperor penguins have made to the Antarcitic environment.
Activity experiment testing the adaptation of blubber in Antarctic animals.
Activity about how blubber provides insulation for Antarctica animals.
Eight week learning plan about water and the effects of climate change on the Antarctica Ice sheet.
Recording sheet for Animal Adaptation lesson - Emperor Penguins.
Lesson about penguin adaptations to living in Antarctica and categorising them into Structural, Behavioural or Physiological.
Inquiry and three week learning plan about Antarctica's unique envionment and climate change
Three part activity about carbon dioxide and the acidic effects on the ocean.
List of 15 websites and factsheets for researching about Antarctica.
Activity sheet about global warming and the possible effects on Antarctica
Eight week learning plan about the Antarctic ecosystem and how humans adapt and survive in the environment.
Ten week learning plan for a general introduction to Antarctica.
Six week learning plan based on learner's first wonderings about Antarctica.
Eight week learning plan about Antarctic Penguins and how they look after their young.
Four-part lesson plan about the different animals that live in Antarctica and the characteristics that help them to survive.