Activity comparing distances, speed and time to get to Antarctica.
Activity about using decimals and graphs to record facts about Antarctica's glaciers.
Activity about reading and creating graphs about daily temperature data in Antarctica.
Activity about understanding and comparing graphs of Antarctic penguin populations.
Short Activity - Find the words about Scott of the Antarctic.
Activity sheet about filling the missing words to complete the story about explorer Captain Scott's journey.
Activity introducing facts about 8 different types of penguins that live in Antarctica.
Fact sheet about various sea animals and birds of Antarctica.
Quiz about the Antarctic explorer George Taylor and the Terra Nova expedition.
Short activity sheet asking to recall facts about Antarctica.
Activity sheet for researching and writing about how Antarctic animals live and survive.
Term length learning plan ( QUEST) about researching and presenting on a topic of interest from Antarcitica that related to survival or sustainabiliity.
Activity about observing icebergs and how they melt over time.
Lesson about observing how ice melts in different environments.
Activity about categorising adaptations emperor penguins have made to the Antarcitic environment.
Activity experiment testing the adaptation of blubber in Antarctic animals.
Activity about how blubber provides insulation for Antarctica animals.
Eight week learning plan about water and the effects of climate change on the Antarctica Ice sheet.