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About Us

About Us

Antarctica New Zealand is the government agency responsible for carrying out New Zealand's activities in Antarctica supporting world leading science and environmental protection. We work to ensure Antarctica's environment continues to be protected, that scientists are supported to find the answers to complex scientific questions, and science outcomes are communicated back to policy makers and the public. Antarctica New Zealand also hosts the Antarctic Science Platform, a $49 million research programme working to understand the continent’s impact on the global earth system, and how that might change in a warming world. Demystifying science through strong outreach and education is an essential part of our mandate.

New Zealand's presence in Antarctica

Aotearoa New Zealand values a safe and secure Antarctica and wants to protect the region as a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science. New Zealand has had a permanent presence in Antarctica at Scott Base since 1957, where continuous scientific research has been conducted.

New Zealand is a recognised leader as one of the 12 original signatories of the Antarctic Treaty. New Zealand maintains a pre-eminent role in the Antarctic Treaty System and strategic relationships with other national Antarctic programmes.

To have influence in the Antarctic Treaty System, New Zealand must continue to:

  • Have a credible ongoing presence in Antarctica, particularly in the Ross Sea region, and
  • Conduct high quality Antarctic science.

In addition to our presence on the ice, New Zealand’s interests are enhanced through the position of Christchurch as one of only five Antarctic gateway cities. In 2023, this brought $229.3 million directly to the New Zealand economy.

Scott Base enables the permanent presence in Antarctica that underpins New Zealand’s strategic interests.

Our Culture of Shared Beliefs

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: Valued, Protected, Understood


We are passionate about what we do - Ka ngākau whiwhita tātou ki ā tātou mahi katoa

We care for each other and the environment - Ka tiaki tātou i a tātou anō, ka tiaki hoki i te taiao

We work together - Ka mahi tahi tātou

We act with integrity - He ngākau pono ō tātou

We aspire to the highest standards - Ka whai tātou i ngā taumata tiketike

Safety: We have an uncompromising commitment to each other’s safety.

Sustainability: We will incorporate principles of social, environmental and financial sustainability into all that we do.

Learning: Feedback is actively encouraged and we will learn from previous experiences to continuously improve our performance.

Quality: We strive to deliver ever-improving value to our stakeholders.

Health, Safety & Environment: Antarctica New Zealand has an uncompromising commitment to the health, safety, the environment and wellbeing of our staff, contractors and visitors. Further information on this commitment is available in our Health and Safety Policy and our Environmental Policy.